Health information Specialist
Duties and responsibilities:
Health information specialist are
who are in charge of providing all medical records , finance and insurance data
, They also make sure that all information that is giving is accurately correct
. As all information is correct
practitioners can then evaluate their patients and provide them with correct
medical information. There is a variety
of careers in this field they are;
Record Technician , Accredited Record technician , Certified coding
specialist ,
(Coding Specialist)
(Record Technician)
$30,000-$40,000 (Record Administrator)
Education: Students must take high school courses in
information management, science, math, and English, coding specialist must have
a high school diploma or a GED they must be certified can obtain it in
community colleges and get training in their job. You must be certified in
order to be a coding specialist by passing an examination. Accredited technician
need an associate degree , Record administrator must obtain a bachelor’s degree
and pass the examination test .
Answer: in my opinion
I don’t think I’m interested in going in for this field as a career because it
isn’t something I see myself doing as a career .