Duties and Responsibilities : Epidemiologist study the frequency and distribution of diseases with in human population and environments . specifically , they measure the incidence of disease occurrence and relate a different characteristics of populations and environments . Epidemiologist perform research , education , and public health practice in universities , government agency , international organizations , and private corporations . Epidemiologist often :
- work on developing or refining methods of measuring and evaluating disease occurrences .
- develop and recommend public health policy .
- study or research chronic diseases , infectious diseases, disease outbreaks , injuries , occupations, and environment .
Average salary : $30,000- $ 50,000
Educational Requirements ; Students should take the most challenging high school courses( including AP or IB courses ) Available in science , math , and english . Epidemiologist have as a minimum , masters degree in public health . Undergraduate requirements for admissions into public health graduate programs vary by schools but usually strong backgrounds in biology , chemistry , mathematics , and or statistics .
CTR !!!!
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